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Friday, March 31, 2006

Why You Must Manage Your Emotions

How many times has each of us been involved in or observed the dominate emotion; anger, overtaking a given situation? Way to many in many I suspect. Emotions, especially negative ones (such as anger) can surface at work, play, with family, friends in the boardroom or on the ball field. Independent of the situation, anger is on of the most detrimental of the emotions you must learn to recognize and control. More often than not, how a person reacts at that moment when anger surfaces, or is confronted by someone who is angry, defines a positive or negative outcome and potentially your status among the group of people impacted.

The simple example is when children get angry, yell, scream, cry and sometimes lash out. Our first thought, yell back! What happens, the yelling gets louder and your blood pressure rises the situation deteriorates. We have all been there and it is not a positive situation to be in and takes a while for everyone to calm down. Conversely when you remain in control, the anger subsides and situation becomes manageable and resolves itself quicker. You can express your disapproval, explain how getting angry is negative, prompt discussion and listen all while attempting to get to a resolution.

In a professional setting, it is very uncomfortable to be present when yelling and or finger pointing become the focus instead of he subject intended. Besides, anger diminishes our ability to reason and think clearly. Granted this is not easy, there are times when the other person grandstands and refuses to relinquish the situation, it is then best to re-schedule the meeting or agree to talk at an another time.

I’m not indicating you will never be angry, but keep your emotions in check and be conscious of what you say. It is far better to be silent than say something derogatory, hurtful or irreproachable. Silence sometimes is your best strategy.

Respect is difficult to attain, and can be easily lost by not controlling your negative emotions on your road to success. Seek out professionals in the field of anger management if you feel that additional assistance is required for you, a loved one or co-worker.


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