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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Pessimists … This is A Must Read for You!

My assumption is you started reading this article because on some level you are a pessimist. I believe inherently we all have pessimism ingrained into our persona and if we let it rule our lives, this is not a good personal characteristic. Maybe you started reading this article because you are seeking how to become more optimistic, this is my hope. Let’s define both Pessimism and Optimism:
Pessimism, from the Latin pessimus (worst), denotes a belief that the experienced world is the worst possible. It describes a general belief that things are bad, and tend to become worse; or that looks to the eventual triumph of evil over good; it contrasts with optimism, the contrary belief in the goodness and betterment of things generally.
Optimism, the opposite of pessimism, exemplifies a life view where one looks upon the world as a positive place. Optimists generally believe that people and events are inherently good. They have a so-called "positive" outlook on life, believing that things will work out in the end.

I do not know a lot about pessimism because I am an optimistic person and upbeat person. Sure I have my moments of less optimism, but overall I have adopted a mindset that keeps me thinking and acting optimistically. No everything in my life is not great or rosy or always upbeat, but I do try and keep the inner belief stoutly positive.

How do you maintain the optimist point of view or change from the pessimist you are?

Let me share with you my 12 secrets:
1. Self Confidence
2. Belief in a higher being
3. Strong Family values
5. Ability to Smile
6. Laugh when you can and often
7. Set short term achievable goals … set long term goals
8. Reward yourself for achievement
9. Become physically active
10. Get a pet... (the pet does not have to be a dog or cat) try a turtle or bird
11. Challenge your senses
12. Have the will to try

You can become more optimistic and positive; just give it a try today.

One of my favorite Quotes on optimism comes from Helen Keller –
No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway to the human spirit.


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