Do You Know The Seven Negative Perceptions Holding You Back?
Guess what? You have no hint of what people’s perception of you
is do you? What a revelation…some people first respond with “I do
not care”… what a mistaken retort this is. Let me warn you in the
business and public environments that you exist in today, you had
better care. I’m not telling you to put on a happy face everyday
or go out of you way to be nice to people because if it is not
within your normal character, it will not be sustained or
believable. What I am telling you it to be attentive to the fact
people are constantly forming a perception model of you from the
first time they meet you and at every successive meeting.
The point I am trying to get across is simply to treat people and
situations with respect. Try not to react with ill advised words
or anger. Everyone tries to make a good impression the first time
they meet someone or are put in a new situation. More often than
not good impressions and perceptions are the take a ways from
these initial interactions.
Of course there is the most obvious first perception anyone has,
you physical appearance. I did not touch on this trait because
each of us is physically unique and individual in dress and
appearance. You and only you can decide to dress for success or
the appropriate situation, got it!
Sustaining a positive perception in other people’s minds about
you is the difficult chore. We all naturally drop some
formalities the more and more we are around other people and
become more familiar in repetitive type environments such as; the
office or periodic meetings with the same basic group of people.
There are 7 Negative Perceptions you need to be mindful of and
must try to avoid:
1. Arrogant
2. Biased
3. Know It All
4. Unapproachable
5. Short Tempered
6. Impatient
7. Poor Listener
How to check your self is relatively easy. There are three easy
questions to answer:
1. How you perceive other people, physically first then
2. What traits do you like or dislike about them?
3. What behaviors or mannerisms at any given time become caustic?
Another easy perception check, if you are willing to put yourself
out a little, is to ask 3 or 4 people what their perception of
you is in a given scenario. We should never stop trying to
improve ourselves, think about how powerful perception is in our
daily lives and make yours exemplify nothing but positive
is do you? What a revelation…some people first respond with “I do
not care”… what a mistaken retort this is. Let me warn you in the
business and public environments that you exist in today, you had
better care. I’m not telling you to put on a happy face everyday
or go out of you way to be nice to people because if it is not
within your normal character, it will not be sustained or
believable. What I am telling you it to be attentive to the fact
people are constantly forming a perception model of you from the
first time they meet you and at every successive meeting.
The point I am trying to get across is simply to treat people and
situations with respect. Try not to react with ill advised words
or anger. Everyone tries to make a good impression the first time
they meet someone or are put in a new situation. More often than
not good impressions and perceptions are the take a ways from
these initial interactions.
Of course there is the most obvious first perception anyone has,
you physical appearance. I did not touch on this trait because
each of us is physically unique and individual in dress and
appearance. You and only you can decide to dress for success or
the appropriate situation, got it!
Sustaining a positive perception in other people’s minds about
you is the difficult chore. We all naturally drop some
formalities the more and more we are around other people and
become more familiar in repetitive type environments such as; the
office or periodic meetings with the same basic group of people.
There are 7 Negative Perceptions you need to be mindful of and
must try to avoid:
1. Arrogant
2. Biased
3. Know It All
4. Unapproachable
5. Short Tempered
6. Impatient
7. Poor Listener
How to check your self is relatively easy. There are three easy
questions to answer:
1. How you perceive other people, physically first then
2. What traits do you like or dislike about them?
3. What behaviors or mannerisms at any given time become caustic?
Another easy perception check, if you are willing to put yourself
out a little, is to ask 3 or 4 people what their perception of
you is in a given scenario. We should never stop trying to
improve ourselves, think about how powerful perception is in our
daily lives and make yours exemplify nothing but positive