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Monday, March 24, 2008

Exploiting the Power of an MLM Forum

Information is power and in the world of multi level marketing (MLM) there is nothing more powerful than a MLM forum. Yet be warned that not all forums are created equal and even though some offer an astounding array of niches and rooms where information may be gleaned quickly, easily and succinctly, others turn out to be little more than network marketers’ tepid attempts of dressing up their promotional campaign under the guise of a forum approach. Exploiting the power of an MLM forum requires you to spend a bit of time there to get a feel for the posts and posters and to be able to ascertain the genuineness of the information provided.

Begin by simply checking out some of the bugger forums devoted to multi level marketing and look around. Is there lively discussion about a plethora of network marketing opportunities or does the forum seem to be devoted to one or maybe two different products or programs? The narrower the focus the less posters you will find attracted to the forum and the fewer posters will visit the forum the less interesting tidbits of information will you be able to glean.

Next, check the age of the posts. If they are old, then the information you will be able to find is most likely outdated and therefore of little use. Secondly, if you have questions, need help, or simply require a bit of a reality check, then a forum that is not visited as often as others will not be the best place to go in search of these items. In addition to the foregoing, frequent only the forums that have stated posting rules and policies and also have someone in charge enforcing them. Especially newbies are easily intimidated by the posters who will argue and quickly become defensive and thus a well maintained forum should be a place of learning, encouragement and an exchange of ideas rather than a stomping ground for the disillusioned and frustrated.

The community of posters ought to be another aspect to consider when exploiting the power of an MLM forum. Hardheaded, inflexible, and unimaginative posters will offer the same kind of advice that most likely will get you nowhere in the business; similarly, flighty and unrealistic posters will not give you the reality check you need. While each forum will contain some of each, the mix should be its own method of checks and balances. It is interesting to note that the most useful forums are those where different opinions are freely and strongly expressed and while tempers may flare once in a while, they are always kept in check. This kind of dialog will attract a plethora of online entrepreneurs who are not afraid to put in their two cents and thus fulfilling the very role of the sounding board it purported to take on. This kind of exchange truly is empowering and will most likely spur you on to bigger and better things, calculated risks, and may quite possibly be the catalyst that will see your business take off and pass some of the competition!

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